linienstrasse 54
Berlin, Bundesland Berlin 10119

Sept 19th 2PM: Make or break: keyboard and effect bending
with Klaas Hübner.

In this workshop you will learn how to add some nice effects to your
keyboard or effect box. Please bring any kind of keyboard, toy, or
effect machine and we will open it up, and dig around for some new
sounds. With a bit of patience and luck you will go home with a few
new knobs or switches on your device to enjoy your next gig even more.

No experience required.

Cost: €10 per participant (this includes parts, and food)

Please email to reserve a place (strictly limited)

About Klaas Hübner:

Klaas Hübner [born 1979] Student of sculpture and Head of the Audio
Studio at Weissensee School of Arts Berlin. He took part as an artist
or organizer in several group exhebitions around Europe and performs
electronic music as Hiłot Lilanth. He collaborates with different
artists for music performances or media art projects.

_____-micro_research, pickledfeet, Linienstrasse 54, Berlin 10119

U2, Rosa-Luxemburg-Pl.
U8, Rosenthaler Pl.

Official Website:

Added by x_xxxx on September 14, 2009

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