Join the 9th+Lincoln Orchestra as they celebrate their debut recording at Dazzle Restaurant and Lounge on December 16th, 2007 with shows at 6:00 pm and 8:00 pm.
The 9th+Lincoln Orchestra's debut recording will be a ground-breaking event in the Colorado jazz community. The album features five innovative compositions by 9th+Lincoln founder Tyler Gilmore, two by co-composer Wil Swindler, and collaborations with Greg Harris, Dave Devine, and DJ This That and The Other. Colorado's finest jazz performers are showcased on the recording and will be performing at the two show event including Paul Romaine, Mark Simon, Peter Sommer, Dominic Lalli, Mark Harris, Brad Goode, Tom Ball, and many more.
In the spirit of Denver's thriving music scene, the album features a mix of traditional big band craft with electronic and rock music influences to a degree that is un-precedented in the big band genre.
Tickets are $10 or $20 with the CD. Please call for reservations: 303.839.5100
Dazzle Restaurant and Lounge is located at 930 Lincoln St, Denver, CO.
Official Website:
Added by minorninths on December 3, 2007