Loss Prevention Through Partnership
As the oldest, largest, and most comprehensive event of its kind on the east coast, this conference is designed to provide merchants, loss preventions professionals, and law enforcement with information that contributes to the success of loss pr...evention efforts of all sizes.
Each year retailers throughout Virginia lose millions of dollars to shrinkage at the hands of both strangers and employees. The loss is passed along to consumers through higher prices.
Thanks to the efforts of the Retail Alliance Loss Prevention Task Force, this conference offers a compendium of best practices on all aspects of loss prevention. The event increases awareness of the problem and opens a dialogue between merchants and law enforcement on how to combat the problem.
Those who contrive to steal are tireless in their determination to thwart the system. Retail Alliance is equally determined to provide the community with the best means of addressing retail crime. We will continue to improve on this conference in an effort to provide you with the most current and effective programs and practices.
The conference will included many break-out sessions with keynote speakers, lunch, refreshments, morning and afternoon snacks are free parking.
Many exhibitors, sponsors, and people involved with loss prevention efforts will be attending.
Registration is required.
Visit http://www.retail-alliance.com/ and click on the VRLPC tab to register.
Registration Fee:
Retail Alliance Members: $45 before 9/1 $75 after 9/1
Non Retail Members: $75 before 9/1 $100 after 9/1
Association Partners: $60 before 9/1 $75 after 9/1
For additional information contact Jen Webber at (757)455-9323 or jwebber@retail-alliance.com
or Visit our website http://www.retail-alliance.com/
Official Website: http://www.retail-alliance.com/CalendarofEvents/VRLPC2010/tabid/356/Default.aspx
Added by Retail Alliance VA on July 20, 2010