Feb. 4, 2012, 8am to 2pm; Rain Date Feb. 11
The classic, new and exotic will headline this popular fundraiser, which promises a fabulous display of some 400 antique and vintage cars and trucks. The return of the popular New-Car Row will show the latest models from the 11 dealers of Capistrano Auto Center and others. On display from South County Lexus will be the stunning 2012 LFA sports coupe (starting at $375,000). Cars from all over Southern California are anticipated in the open-class show, with trophies going to the top 15 entries.
One of the most well-attended events in San Juan, more than 1,000 people are expected to enjoy the family-friendly atmosphere including the high-flying Disc Dogs Demo Team, entertainment, food by Las Golondrinas, exhibits and vendor booths, plus excellent prizes. Contributing to the festive surroundings, a number of car owners and guests bring their dogs, which must be well-behaved and leashed.
The Car Show is presented by The Rotary Club of San Juan Capistrano and Capistrano Animal Rescue Effort (CARE) to benefit Rotary Club charities in support of children, youth, military families, and others, and CARE's support of the rescue, humane treatment and adoption of homeless dogs and cats in San Juan Capistrano.
A companion event, the 4th Annual Dr. Joe Cortese Memorial Motorcycle Poker Run which will honor the longtime Rotarian and CARE founding member, is expected to attract several hundred motorcycle enthusiasts from all over Southern California. This year's ride will start at 8 a.m. with check-in at Orange County Harley-Davidson, 8677 Research Dr. in Irvine, wend through scenic south Orange County, and finish at the Car Show. Admission to the Show is included in the separate fee.
Official Website: http://www.sjcrotary.org/carshow
Added by FullCalendar on January 13, 2012