Suite 1120, Kahanoff Centre, 1202 Centre Street SE
Calgary, Alberta T2G 5A5

Canadian Parks and Wilderness Society
presents the 9th Annual ‘Capture the Wild’ Photography Contest

2 0 0 7 C A T E G O R I E S

• Alberta Wildlife – “Capture” wild creatures in their natural environment!
• Amateur – The Wonder of Wilderness!
• Canada’s National Parks and Protected Areas – Visit one of Canada’s National Parks and Protected Areas, and share the beauty that you discover
• International Nature – Exciting wilderness outside of Canada!
• Patterns in Wilderness – Mother Nature, the artist!
• People in Nature – Friends and family enjoying the natural environment
• Wondrous Water – Flowing, frozen or falling!
• Y2Y – Yellowstone to Yukon, the remarkable wildlife corridor with a diverse ecosystem
• Young Shutterbugs – Wilderness photography open to youth 15 years and younger

Be imaginative, find inspiration in the wilderness
and enjoy “capturing” the great outdoors!!!


For more contest details, and to view a gallery of previous winner’s,
please go to our website:

Winners will be showcased at THE WILD GALA on October 20th, 2007

For further information, please call (403) 232-6686
or email:

Official Website:

Added by thegreenpages on August 1, 2007