It's not about ideas.It's about making ideas happen.
How many unwritten novels, unrealized campaigns, and brilliantideas have never seen the light of day? What separates creative people who make their ideas happen from the constant dreamers?
Behance is partnering with Cool Hunting to host "99%." A conference that focuses less on inspiration, and more on how idea generation and organization come together to make ideas happen.
Insights and stories from a diverse set of speakers, the conference will
assess productivity in a creative context, offering a sneak peek behind
the process, exposing how ideas come to life.
Confirmed speakers include:
Michael Bierut /// Partner, Pentagram
Cheryl Dorsey // President, Echoing Green
Seth Godin /// CEO, Squidoo /// Author & Blogger
Robert Hammond /// Co-Founder & President, Friends of the High Line
Jeff Kalkimoff & Jack Nickell /// CCO & CSO, Threadless
Ji Lee /// Creative Director, Google Creative Labs
Jason Randal // Theorist on Developing Expertise
Scott Thomas // Design Director of New Media, Obama for America
Scott Belsky // Founder and CEO, Behance
For more information, please visit the99percent.com
Organized by BehanceBased on their research of exceptionally productive people and teams, Behance develops products and services that organize the creative professional community. This includes the Behance Network, the world's leading platform for creative professionals, Behance Magazine, showcasing highlights from Behance's research and tips, and Action Method, a radical and intuitive solution for productivity and project management. Everything Behance does is aimed toward a singular mission: to help make ideas happen.
Ticket Info: - Student Ticket, $194.75
- Non-Profit Ticket, $297.25
- Freelancer Ticket, $297.25
- Regular Ticket, $499.95
Official Website: http://the99percent-upcoming.eventbrite.com