800 West
Orem, Utah, Utah 84058

February 1
Monthly Ethics Forum:
"9/11 Revisited: Scientific and Ethical Questions"
Steven E. Jones, Professor of Physics, Brigham Young University
7:00-8:30 p.m., CS 404
Overflow room, CS 401
(Cosponsored with the School of Science and Health)


Did you see the collapse of World Trade Center 7 on September 11, 2001? (We
will take a close look at it.) No steel-frame skyscraper had ever collapsed
due to fire before 9/11 and it was NOT hit by a jet--so what made this
47-story building collapse? And what of the large pools of molten metal
beneath the rubble of WTC7 and both WTC Towers?

What about the WTC dust--was it toxic and were people given false
reassurances about it?

We will consider these and other questions regarding September 11th. Be
prepared to have some prevalent myths challenged.

In preparation, please read this peer-reviewed paper on the subject:

Added by wickenden on January 22, 2006

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