DO JUMP! is proud to present the first of a series of parenting seminars with DO JUMP! mother and renowned parenting expert Dr. Doreen Dodgen Magee. We are partnering with Spielwerk Toys to bring you this outstanding opportunity which also serves as a fundraiser for Do Jump!
Based on the research regarding multiple intelligences, this seminar will equip you to assess your own and your child's best learning style and manner of interacting with the world. Special emphasis will be placed on how to help your child develop a confidence about their strengths, a working knowledge of their growth areas, and tools for how to enhance learning given their forms of "smart."
“Her presentation was relevant, her delivery was upbeat and entertaining, and her content was substantive. In short . . . Five Stars.” ~Dr. Lee Jagers, Richardson, TX.
“You got us thinking in ways that will impact our family for years to come. We're so glad we heard you before we hit the adolescent years. Maybe we can infuse our kids with wisdom now that will help them feel smart later.” ~J.L, Father of school aged child, Chicago, IL
Added by Do Jump Portland on January 26, 2011