Fifth Avenue South
Naples, Florida 34102

For this, the 8th annual version of Naples’ major literary event, a new partnership is in place. The Naples Press Club and the Downtown Naples Association have joined forces to enhance the event.

Authors and publishers will be paired with downtown merchants, creating a moveable book feast along Fifth Avenue South. Three exhibitors will be scheduled in each participating merchant’s location, each one filling one of three 3-hour shifts as follows: noon-3pm, 3pm-6pm, and 6pm-9pm. With over 20 participating merchants, this plan will allow for up to 60 authors/publishers to exhibit.

Below web site shows the most current list of exhibitors. Please review also the sister event: 8th Annual Naples Writers' Conference, on April 10 and April 11, 2010 at the Naples Center
of Florida Gulf Coast University.
1010 Fifth Ave. South

For information on all aspects of the Festival, visit Questions? Call Phil at (239) 287-8921.

Official Website:

Added by bph on December 5, 2009

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