Administrative Professionals Week (APW) has become one of the largest workplace observances celebrated worldwide, APW brings together millions of people for community events and seminars, with individual bosses recognizing their support staff.
The Woodlands Area Chapter of the International Association of Administrative Professionals is proud to host our Annual Recognition Event. This year the event will encompass a luncheon and seminar with a fabulous speaker.
Speaker: Jon Stetson The Stetson Experience
Internationally acclaimed mind reading comedian
Jon Stetson has been a Most Valuable Player at thousands of corporate events. Jon is a third-generation entertainer whose intelligent, interactive approach to entertaining places him on an exclusive list of corporate Americas most sought-after performers. Jon makes his home on the South Coast of Massachusetts. He began as a magician but moved beyond the traditional tricks and props of magic to explore the real mysteries of the human mind. Call him a perceptionist. He observes peoples patterns and steps inside their heads. He amazes them with information they didnt even know about themselves. He engages people in a psychic partnership that makes them the real stars of the show. The result is powerful, provocative, thrilling, and new. Better still, its funny. Jons stand-up comedy covers a core of mystery in an uproarious wrapper of fun. Jon may look familiar from one of his 50 national television appearances, or perhaps from one of his live performances in over 25 countries. He has entertained President Bush, President Carter, Donald Trump, the New England Patriots, and the King of Sweden. The Stetson Experience has been invited to perform at the White House on five occasions. Nobody does what Jon Stetson does in quite the way that he does it. Jon Stetson claims no psychic powers, but he is a champion player of mind games. With his unique brand of sleight-of-mind entertaining, Jon Stetson livens up a room like no one else. This internationally acclaimed, mind reading comedian will make you laugh, make you think, make you feel like an awe-struck kid. Youre not going to believe what you see!
Organized by IAAP Woodlands Area Chapter
Ticket Info: - IAAP Member, $41.00
- Non Member/Guest, $46.12
- Tickets for Packages, $5.99
Official Website: http://apw2009iaap-upcoming.eventbrite.com