2151 Laurelwood Road
Santa Clara, California 95054

Topic: How to Find and Keep Profitable Customers
"How to Find and Keep Profitable Customers" introduces business owners to strategies and techniques that help them close more sales, at higher prices, and to keep their customers longer. In our current, deflated economy many business owners have resorted to deep discounting to get orders. What they're not aware of is that simply selling more isn't enough to guarantee success. They don't realize how damaging price cutting is to their chances for survival. Learning how to sell to profitable customers and eliminate unprofitable ones is vital to long-term success in any economy.

Speaker: Charles Moyer
Charles Moyer has advised business owners for nearly forty years. For twenty of those years he owned his own CPA practice, developing expertise in many diverse industries including automotive parts, aircraft dealerships, manufacturers, multi-partner professional service firms, and nationally distributed wineries. He has successfully negotiated business acquisitions and raised both bank and private-placement funding for clients. An adjunct college professor, he brings a broad-based, experienced, and practical viewpoint to his consulting engagements and presentations.

Contact: Kristy Rogers, (408) 288-8484, kristyrogers@eWomenNetwork.com

Official Website: https://events.ewomennetwork.com/event/details.php?eid=11126

Added by ldeglin on July 15, 2009

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