BANGALORE, Karnataka 56001

Speaker: Erik Lindskog, Beceem Communications Pvt. Ltd.
Venue: Golden Jubilee Hall, ECE Department, IISc, Bangalore

802.16e/WiMAX is a new wireless standard which has gained much interest and momentum and is likely to become one of the next major wireless systems. It contains many advanced features to boost capacity and coverage giving interesting opportunities as well as challenges for wireless communication system design. An overview of the 802.16e wireless standard and its adoption as WiMAX is given. The system and its technology is presented and a review of the smart antenna features in 802.16e in terms of Beamforming, MIMO and Precoding is given.

Biography of the speaker:

Erik Lindskog currently works at Beceem Communications, a wireless communications company designing chips based on 802.16. He works in the PHY group on the design and modeling of signal processing algorithms for 802.16 wireless modems. He previously worked on MIMO precoding for 802.11n at Marvell Semiconductors, and at ArrayComm on smart antenna design for WCDMA and smart antenna network simulations for ArrayComm's proprietary smart antenna wireless data communication system iBurst. Prior to these, he conducted postdoctoral studies at Stanford University in the Smart Antenna Research Group (SARG) under Professor Arogyaswami Paulraj. There he designed a generalization of Alamouti's space-time coding scheme for channels with intersymbol interference (TR-STBC). His Ph.D. from Uppsala University is in the area of signal processing. He has been a visiting researcher at Northeastern University and at Stanford University doing research on the design of equalizers, channel estimation, and interference suppression for smart antenna systems.

Added by jace on May 11, 2006

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