350 West Georgia St.
Vancouver, British Columbia

8,000 Drums Gathering Vancouver
March 21, 2008
Vancouver Art Gallery
350 West Georgia Street

Inviting all Indigenous groups and supporters to join us for a fun and fulfilling morning to let go of our work our activism for a few hours to join indigenous nations around the world.. to come together as one in a healing event.

For your information:
1) http://mkane.gnn.tv/blogs/12960/Ruby_Gibson_and_the_8_000_Sacred_Drum_Ceremony
2) http://www.indigenousuniversity.org/sacred_drums.htm 3) http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=10777502124

Excerpt: "According to a Sacred Prophecy by Otomi Elder Sages, the day when the sounds of 8,000 Sacred Drums join together is the beginning of the healing of Mother Earth.

It is time to unify ourselves to rediscover the seeds of the Four Directions - to reactivate cosmic energy, heal historical wounds. It's time to respect life, liberty and the dignity of Our Peoples.

The first great ceremony was held March 21, 2004 in Temoaya, Mexico. Drum circles joined around the world on the Spring Equinox. This will continue each year until 2012.

Sacred Principles:

Seal and heal the wounded vertices of Mother Earth.
Identify and activate the Indigenous energy centers at sacred places, this is our duty.
Plant and strengthen consciousness of love and respect for our Mother Earth. This is everyone's work.

The Indigenous ancestral recommendation to create and practice our cullture of Peace and Life is fundamental.

Recognition of the use of the energy and healing are the properties of our sacred instruments." International Indigenous University

Groups, organizations, individuals who would like to join in this event, please reply to csiaction@gmail.com Bring your drums! 10:00 am PST (12:00 Central.)

350 West Georgia Street

Begins with prayers and smudge ceremony.

Event info/speakers tba

Official Website: http://www.indigenousuniversity.org/sacred_drums.htm

Added by salishwoman on February 29, 2008




I'm Minthé, working with Däbädi Thaayrohyadi, from Indigenous University, I live in France, we make the ceremony here in contact with Mexico.

Please feel free to contact me !

Light and love

(33) 4 75 93 57 73

Interested 1