7th Annual 2010 PRO Convention, USAhosted byClutch N Burn& Dem Rydaz MCNorfolk, VA
January8 - 10, 2010
Norfolk Waterside Marriott
235 E. Main St., Norfolk, VA 23510
PHONE Reservation: 1-757-627-4200 Code: PRO ConventionON-LINE Reservation:Click on hotel link aboveCode: PCAPCAA
$130.00 + tax per night
(One nights deposit will be drafted at time of reservations and cancellations must be made no later than seven (7) days prior to arrival!)
Organized by 7th Annual 2010 PRO Convention, USA7th Annual 2010 PRO Convention, USA hosted by Clutch N Burn & Dem Rydaz MC- Norfolk, VA
Ticket Info: Guest, $61.50
Official Website: http://7thannual2010proc-upcoming.eventbrite.com