Have you ever said:
All the "good ones" are married
I keep meeting losers or gold diggers
Everyone seems to have "issues"
Setting intentions to Attract the right one!
*How to use the laws of attraction to prepare your mind, body and soul for the arrival of right partner *Learning to let go of the past hurts to allow new love to enter
*How focusing on negative people or thoughts, controls your luck towards negative occurrences
Physical attraction - improving your *CURB APPEAL *Weight loss through MIND (hypnosis) diet and exercise
About our Dynamic mentor/speaker!
Eugenia Karahalias
Licensed Clinical Social Worker
Magnified Healing Teacher & Practitioner
Mission / Life Purpose ~To empower & inspire individuals to UNLEASH THEIR FULL POTENTIAL
7:30pm Happy hour mingle + appetizers
*8:00pm Seminar begins
$15.00 for appetizers, one hour Seminar, Appetizers and Raffle prize!
*Win $50 off first session with Eugenia!
CLICK HERE to pay $15.00
and reserve your seat
OK to pay CASH with RSVP
Email or call 631 592 9804
First time? Sign up here on the web site
Official Website: http://www.7-in-heaven.com
Added by Speed-Dater on September 21, 2011