6th Annual Dispatcher Appreciation Awards Banquet
The San Diego Association of Public Safety Dispatchers will recognize public safety dispatchers at the 6th Annual Dispatcher Appreciation Awards Banquet. The banquetcelebratesNational Public Safety Telecommunications Week, April 12th - 18th, 2009
Dinner, awards,music, and dancing. The banquet recognizes public safety dispatchers and their contributions as part of the law enforcement, fire and EMS agencies they work for.
No host bar 6:00PMDinner 7:30PMProgram 8:30PM
Awards will be presented in the following categories:
Dispatcher of the Year
Communications Center of the Year
Incident of the Year
Banquet Menu
StarterSesame Cellophane SaladEntree (choice of one)Beef and Broccoli with Steamed RiceorMandarin Chicken with Fried Rice
DesertDragon Fruit Sorbet with Crispy Rice Cookie
Tables seat 10 persons. Purchases of 10 will reserve a table. For purchases of quantities other than 10, seating is first come, first served.
If paying by check, register online and choose the pay by check option. Payment must be received by April 15th, 2008. No refunds after April 15th, 2008. No sales at the door.
The Handlery Hotel and Resort charges $3 for parking.
Organized by San Diego Association of Public Safety Dispatchers
The San Diego Association of Public Safety Dispatchers (APSD) develops and presents training courses for public safety dispatchers.
Classes presented by APSD are certified by the California Commission on Peace Officer Standards and Training and meet the continuing professional training requirements for California public safety dispatchers.
APSD works in conjunction with existing law enforcement, fire/EMS associations and resources to bring the needs and concerns specific to communications to the forefront. APSD is an independent, non-profit association made up of fire and law enforcement communications center managers, supervisors, phone and radio dispatchers in San Diego County.
APSD is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organizationTax I.D. 04-3730953
Ticket Info: Attendee, $36.00
Official Website: http://2009apsdbanquet-upcoming.eventbrite.com