131 Chrystie St
New York, New York 10002

SHAKIN' ALL OVER UNDER SIDEWAYS DOWN! New York Night Train's weekly rough and ready maximum rock'n'soul get-down featuring the dynamic 45rpm magic of North America's most popular soul party DJ, MR. JONATHAN TOUBIN (http://www.newyorknighttrain.com/about/)! Flip out to Mr. T's wild bag of exquisite party favors - raw obscurities, novelties, and classics from all around the world for your dancing pleasure: R&B, rockabilly, soul, garage, girl groups, British invasion, international freakbeat, etc etc etc

Tonight MR. TOUBIN is joined once again behind the booth by will once again be joined by one of his favorite DJ partners, MSSR IAN SVENONIUS (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ian_Svenonius). Washington, D.C.'s gigantic cultural force of a man isn't only known for his work as the vocalist/leader of Chain and the Gang, Weird War, Make-Up, Nation of Ulysses, etc etc etc, but also now as the moderator of Vice TV's "Soft Focus" and author of "The Psychic Soviet". Tonight the two dance party masters make no effort to tame the tiger within you!

New York Night Train's Mr. Jonathan Toubin continues to wage war on mediocre nightlife by jamming exclusively the finest rock and soul rarities - no obvious hits, no popular contemporary dance music styles, and always in the 45rpm medium to boot! Intent to cement this night's reputation as the finest and most prestigious rock and soul 45 party in the entire world, Home Sweet Home is putting his money where his mouth is - importing Toubin's musician, collector, and DJ heroes from around the world to make his typically sold-out party even better! Stay tuned for:

10/08: Josh Styles w/guest DJ Phast Phreddie
10/15: Jonathan Toubin w/guest DJ DAVID JOHANSEN
10/22: Jonathan Toubin w/guest DJs The Thing w/2 Heads (Baltimore, MD - Bazooka Joe and XTINE16)
10/29: Jonathan Toubin w/guest DJ Primo of Oldies Night (San Francisco)
11/05: Jonathan Toubin w/guest DJ JON SPENCER

follow New York Night Train on:
- twitter (https://twitter.com/NY_Night_Train)
- facebook (http://www.facebook.com/pages/New-York-Night-Train/47167209984)

and join the mailing list at:
- mailinglist@newyorknighttrain.com

Official Website: http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=154018377961926

Added by newyorknighttrain on September 30, 2010

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