1417 S. Danville
Abilene, Texas 79605

"What's Your Date Card Number?"

Everyone is trying 6 in 60 Speed Dating. Are you ready? Of course you are? If you're single then here's a Great approach to meeting interesting and perhaps compatible people.

You'll be given a DC number, which you'll keep until you find someone who is compatible with you right here in Abilene. We've all tried the internet and found people all over the state, but look don't waste time, try 6 Dates in 60 Minutes TODAY.

You'll pay $15 online and $10 to the host.

Get $5 when you refer someone.

Call for more info. 325-455-4990.

Official Website: http://6in60speeddating1.eventbrite.com/

Added by ttbymrspring2 on August 2, 2009



Great opportunity for singles.

Interested 2