The main goal of this symposium will be to present the most advanced technologies for understanding Seed, Transplant and Stand Establishment, and to use them for developing sustainable agriculture, (producing more with less and minimising impacts on global climate change).
For this purpose, this symposium invites public and private scientists from, around the world, to present their advances on the proposed topics in Murcia-Almera, October 2009.
This event will be staged in an area with advanced agriculture, allowing delegates to visit many different plant growth systems.
The Conveners
Dr. Jose A Pascual
Dr. Francisco Perez-Alfocea
fees will include coffee breaks, all meals and the Gala Dinner during
the four day Symposium. It will also include the transport to technical
tours, the abstract book, symposium materials and the ISHS/ISSS book
that will be published with the relevant contributions.
You can submit your via this website. Other means are provided through our
Technical Secretary for offline payment solutions. You can use this application or download our offline registration form. AAfter your registration is confirmed, you will benefit from
Intercontinental La Torre Golf Resort accommodations rates just by
telling that you will come to the Symposium.
Student fees:
do not include Gala Dinner and ISHS/ISSS book to be published with the
relevant contributions. It will include the abstract book, coffee
breaks and meals during the four day sympossium and the technical
tours. Student status must be proof to be considered this special fee.
Student Fellowship
Students, under 30 years of age, that have registered and paid before April 2009 can apply
sending an e-mail
This e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it
for financial assistance to assist with their travel costs. The
Organizing committee will publish the list of awards on the SEST2009
Website and the money will be available at the conference registration
desk. Prompt registration for the conference will increase the
likelihood of the award of a travel grant.
This award is sponsored by ISSS.
Organized by SEST2009Under the aegis of:
International Society for Horticultural Science
International Society for Seed Science
OrganizationCentro de Edafologa y Biologa Aplicada del Segura
Sociedad Espaola de Ciencias Hortcolas
CollaborationInstituto Murciano de Investigacin y Desarrollo Agrario y Alimentario
Universidad Politcnica de Cartagena
Universidad de Murcia
W-2168 U.S. Seed Biology group
Ticket Info: - ISHS/ISSS Member, €600.00
- Accompanying Person, €200.00
- Non-member, €650.00
- ISHS/ISSS Student, €400.00
- Other Student, €450.00
- Offline Payment, Free
Official Website: http://sest2009-upcoming.eventbrite.com