This years Queer People of Color Conference will be a two (2) day event held on Friday May 7th 2010 thru Saturday May 8th 2010 in San Diego, California USA.
The first day of the conference will be an opening reception on May 7th 2010, in a community space with the coordination of The Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Community Center.
The second day of the conference will be held at San Diego State University, on May 8th 2010. During the second day of the conference, workshops/presentations/papers will embody our theme for this year.
The 2010 theme will be: “Building Visibility: Through our Traditions, Active Leadership and Pride”.
The goal of this conference is to bring Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender communities of color and allies together. We will be celebrating our LGBT PRIDE AND Racial/Cultural identities through an array of workshops, plenary sessions and guest speakers.
The Queer People of Color Collective in San Diego is organizing a series of workshops for our 2010 conference. We envision 3 sessions held consecutively on the same day (May 8th). Although we are open to papers on a range of topics, we would particularly welcome papers on the following themes/subthemes:
* Traditions (e.g. Queering: Family, Cultural traditions and Norms; Queer people historically-today future; Spiritual; Re-inventing cultural traditions and queering them, Re-inscribing a queer presence in our cultural backgrounds)
* Leadership (e.g. Activism [in our communities and campuses]; Defining our activism/leadership as queer people of color; Building leadership: Looking within ourselves as queer communities of color; defining our past to create our futures, Addressing health issues and social inequalities)
* Pride (e.g. Embracing fluidity within our cultural and queer identities; Recognizing Queer Role models of color (who are they? How do we incorporate them into history); what’s next politically in today’s generation for Queer People of Color (academically/activism/social injustice etc.); Social movements; Recognizing and bridging our Queer communities of color (embracing diversity within diversity)
Please note that deadline for submission of proposals: March 15, 2010.
Please submit the following for review:
* Include your name and institutional affiliation (if applicable).
* Proposed titles
* A 300 word/abstract/summary plus 200 word biography – both included in the body of an email (not as attachments) – to by March 15th 2010.
Abstracts and full papers will be refereed through a double blind peer review process. Speakers should be prepared for a 60 minute workshop or presentation followed by 10-15 minutes of questions.
Details and the complete Call for Papers for the 2010 Conference will be posted in April 2010: Interested participants may submit abstracts to more than one QPOCC session
With these sessions, we hope to put various academic and activist approaches into conversation and action, as we explore how the formulation of our sexual and cultural/ethnic identities allows us to overcome obstacles and challenge our individual, institutional, and communal spaces to incorporate Queer People of Color.
In solidarity,
Gibran Guido
Queer People of Color Collective (co-organizer)
Official Website:
Added by BiNet USA on February 9, 2010