On March 18, 2009 the 5th Annual American Indain Disability Summit will again assemble for a disability conference at the Dodge Theatre in metropolitan Phoenix, Arizona to facilitate training, outreachand technical assistance for American Indians with disabilities. The summit provides an opportunity for American Indiansin urban and rural areas to gain awareness of support services and empowerment by learning strategies to eliminate barriers to service delivery. Speakers, panels and service exhibitors will focus on the theme of "Gathering Voices to Promote Family Support and Opportunities".
Location: You may Google directions to the Dodge Theatre at the site listed on Step 5.
Meals: A light breakfast and lunch will be provided to all registered participants on site at the Dodge Theatre. Please check registration for more details.
Participant Drop Off: There will be a ADA accessible designated drop off point at the Dodge Theatre.
Parking: Parking is expected to be $16.00 for a full day in the parking garage next to the Dodge Theatre. Specific information regarding the availability ofparking validation will be confirmed at a later date.
Shuttle Service: A shuttle service will be made available to Disability Summit participants fromdesignated parking areas that include W/C accessible transportation. Areas are to be determined at a later date.
Light Rail: The new Light Rail system stops within two blocks of the Dodge Theatre going both North and South, to Washington and 1st. Avenue.
* Efforts are being made to identify the number of Disability Summit participants who plan to utilize either the Busor the Light Rail systems to accessthe Disability Summit. Please notify us or indicate if you will be using these services as follows: Bus System ___ Light Rail System ___ Need W/C access____.
Organized by Native American Community Health Center, Inc.The Native American Community Health Center, Inc.(NATIVE HEALTH)is an urban Indian Community Health Center providing primary care, dental, behavioral health and a wide variety of ancillary services tothe American Indian populationresiding within the greater metropolitan Phoenix area and beyond.
NATIVE HEALTH is again serving as the fiscal agent for this the 5th Annual American Indian Disability Summit. As such, they coordinate closely with the American Indian Disability Summit Planning Committee to ensure the mostsuccessful outcome for the participants ofthe Disability Summit.
We wish to extend a warm welcome to all those who will join with us this year in the theme of "Gathering Voices to Promote Family Support and Opportunities".
Ticket Info: - Consumer w/ Disability/Family Member / Caregiver /Student, Free
- Service Provider /Orgainization Representative: Late Registration, $128.12
- Service Provider / Organization Representative: Early Bird Registration, $102.50
- Agency Exhibitor, $102.50
- Service Provider/Organization Representative: Early Bird for additional participants same organization, $66.62
Official Website: http://5aidissum-upcoming.eventbrite.com