I-25, Exit 115
Socorro, New Mexico

El Camino Real International Heritage Center presents Celebración de Otoño: Autumn Celebration and a 5th Annual Anniversary Celebration, Saturday, November 20, 10 AM – 4 PM, FREE EVENT FOR ALL VISITORS. Come enjoy a day of fun-filled activities for all ages in celebration of the Center’s 5th anniversary. Inaugurated in November 2005 as the sixth addition to New Mexico State Monuments, the Center interprets the history of El Camino Real de Tierra Adentro, the 1500-mile trail from Mexico City to Santa Fe. Events will feature lectures, living history, mule-packing demos, hands-on activities, visit from the Van of Enchantment, horno/outdoor oven-baking, solar telescope, music and more!

Shuttles available from Socorro, 575-835-1501

Official Website: http://www.caminorealcarta.org/PressRoom/crihcAnniversary.pdf

Added by CARTA on September 30, 2010

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