1875 S. Bascom Ave.
Campbell, California 95008

Personable Business Intros & Info...a productive, comfortable and informative networking experience

Intros-the structured networking provides you opportunity to:

* meet amazing people up to amazing things in the world
* tell us about you, your business & what's important to you-uninterrupted
* make meaningful connections that lead to prospects, resources, support and referrals

Info-learn to elevate your professionalism, improve communication within a partnership approach:

This month's speaker is Jenny de St. Georges talking about 8 Ways to Juggle the Role of Creator While Delivering the Goods!

Every business has three parts:

* Find clients and keep them happy
* Create the team to help you deliver your services & product
* Control the bottom line

Do you ever feel torn between these 3 parts of your business? If attending to both creating and delivering is a challenge, this program is for you. This content driven, bottom line program, delivered with humor and honesty, gives business-owners tools and techniques to better address all 3 parts of your business.

About Jenny de St. Georges(Jenny is a true entrepreneur. Driven by passion, she took her company from her dining room table to selling her business to #1 global company in her field. Back on her own, she is again suffering through the highs and lows of being a solo entrepreneur. Jenny has given over 1,000 programs on five continents, with over 300 published articles. Known for her content driven, fast paced, humorous style she loves working with fellow entrepreneurs.

We look forward to connecting with you.

Kristy Rogers ~ 408-288-8484 ~ Kristy@KristyRogersConnects.com

Official Website: http://kristyrogersconnects.com

Added by FullCalendar on April 30, 2012

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