Personable Business Know-How...learn skills to get connected, stay connected and reconnect really well
* learn & discuss how to be a pleasure to do business with and how to make it easy to do business with you
* monthly topics adapted from the 23 "Personable Business Basics"
* format is an interactive workshop/discussion & a mixer
This month's topic: More Effectively Give & Receive Criticism, Feedback & Input
Receiving criticism, feedback and input, whatever you want to call it, is part of becoming a better person, business professional and provider for your customers. However, there's got to be a better balance between the concern of hurting someone's feelings so you don't say anything, to complaining and whining, to the blurting out of unsolicited advice. You will learn how to give constructive feedback so it's empowering and deepens the relationship verses creating a rift.
We look forward to connecting with you.
Kristy Rogers ~ 408-288-8484
Official Website:
Added by FullCalendar on April 30, 2012