3200 Grand Avenue
Oakland, California

FILM SCREENINGThe Award Winning Film:?500 YEARS LATER?An epic award-winning documentary chronicling the African Diaspora?s journey from SlaveryDirected by: Owen Alik ShahadahWritten by: Molefi K. Asante Jr.Opening Remarks by Aimee Allison, candidate for Oakland City Council from District 2Post-Film Screening Discussion hosted by Molefi Asante Jr. (Son of Dr. Molefi Asante, Scholar of Afrocentricity) WHEN: Tuesday, May 16, 2006 * 7pm -9pmWHERE: Grand Lake Theater 3200 Grand Ave. Oakland, CA 94606 PRESENTED BY:Merritt College?s Department of African American Studies & The Associated Students of Merritt College Admission Tickets: $15 General - $10 StudentsA Fundraiser for the Ghana Study Abroad Program June 2006STARRING: Dr. Maulana Karenga * Dr. Francis Cress Welsing * Paul Robeson, Jr. * Issac Ossei. * Dr. Kimani Nehusi * Sonia Sanchez * Amira Baraka * Desmond Tutu * Dr. Hakim Adi * Dr. Tufuku Zuberi * Dr. Molefi K Asante * Dr. Helena Woodard * Shaykh Muhammad Shareef * Andrew Muhammad * Trevor Marshall * David Comminsong * Nelson George * The Might Gabby For information contact: Dr. Siri Brown @ 510.434-3935 or sbrown@peralta.edu Support our Black Consciousness Raising Educational Tours!Support 35 students study abroad to Ghana. The goal is to increase students? awareness of the politics, history and culture of the Black experience.Our students will bring school supplies and materials to Accra elementary schools and office supplies to social justice organizations

Added by aimeeallison on April 28, 2006

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