featuring UM Department of Theatre students
Fasten your seatbelts — they’re back! In this original clown-theater-music production commissioned by the Clarice Smith Center, 500 Clown joins forces with Chicago composer and lyricist John Fournier to launch a musical missile aimed at corruption, dehumanization and identity. 500 Clown and the Elephant Deal is inspired by Bertolt Brecht’s The Elephant Calf and Mann ist Mann, the Fratellini Clowns and the unprecedented gap between civilian and military life in the United States. Current and former UM Department of Theatre students serve as supporting cast members and creative participants in formulating the show.
Official Website: http://claricesmithcenter.umd.edu/2007/c/performances/performance?rowid=7450
Added by Clarice Smith Center on October 24, 2008