150 W University Blvd
Melbourne, Florida 32901

Florida Tech will address smart growth and environmental sustainability at its fourth international, interdisciplinary forum, “Sustainable Pathways: New Research and Practices,” on March 6-7 on campus. The forum is a collaborative effort of the Florida Tech College of Business and College of Science, and Budapest University of Technology and Economics (BME). The public is invited to attend. And additional sponsors are being sought.

“The forum will focus on practical solutions to emerging sustainability issues from business, science and socio-political viewpoints,” said Gordon L. Nelson, dean of Florida Tech’s College of Science. “It is designed to appeal to a varied audience and will offer the latest academic research and perspectives for practitioners and public policy makers.”

ECONOMIC, ENVIRONMENTAL & SOCIAL SUSTAINABILITY SUBTOPICS INCLUDE: Developments in Ecotourism, Biodiversity, Corporate Social Responsibility, Ecotourism Practitioner’s Forum, Smart Growth & Regional Planning, Sustainability, Technology & Innovation and Renewable (Sustainable) Energy.

SPEAKERS COMPLEMENTING FLORIDA TECH AND BME SPEAKERS WILL INCLUDE: Ken Lindeman, Environmental Defense Fund; Isabella Bunn, Oxford University; Keith Winsten, Brevard Zoo; Laurilee Thompson, Space Coast Birding and Wildlife Festival; Duane E. De Freese, Hubbs-SeaWorld Research Institute; Terry Gibson, Florida Sportsman Magazine; Mark Chatelain, Johnson Controls; William Broussard, Forever Florida; Bob Martinez, former Governor of Florida; Suzanna Hecht, UCLA and Princeton University; Frank Jackalone, Sierra Club, Florida; Giuseppe Omegna & Filippo Invernizzi, Avalon Fishing & Diving Center, Cuba; Amos Bien, The International Ecotourism Society, Costa Rica; Mike Heckenberger, University of Florida; Hilary Stone, Brunel University, UK; Randy Lyon, MyRegion.org; Tim Center, Council for Sustainable Florida; Tom Saunders, City of Gainesville; Rene Von Schomberg, European Commission; Christoph Waldmann, University of Bremen, Germany; Eric D. Thosteson, Ocean Research & Conservation Association; and Steven Seibert, Century Commission for a Sustainable Florida.

Sponsors include: Environmental Defense Fund, FP&L, Waste Management and Florida Institute of Technology.

Online registration is available at http://research.fit.edu/sustainability/register.php

A conference registration fee of $85 entitles registrants to attend all daily sessions as well as luncheons. The fee is $25 for students. A separate fee of $45 covers a keynote dinner on the evening of March 6; former Florida Governor Bob Martinez will be the keynote speaker.
For more information, contact Linda Ward, College of Science, Florida Institute of Technology at (321) 674-7573 or at lward@fit.edu. Florida Tech is located at 150 West University Blvd, Melbourne, FL 32901.

Official Website: http://research.fit.edu/sustainability/register.php

Added by greenermiami on February 16, 2007

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