276 E Main St, Ste 102
Newark, Delaware 19711


The Newark Arts Alliance is sponsoring a free informal drum circle (usually) on the fourth Friday of every month. Response was great for the first month. This has become a monthly event. Note that the Newark Arts Alliance is in Market East Plaza on Main Street Newark, Delaware.

or the last 1-2 circles of the year we often switch to the 3rd Fridays. Then there are other NAA events on the 4th Fridays, just not only drumming. We sure to check those out at: http://www.newarkartsalliance.org/

# In October we will meet the 5th Friday (Oct 29).

# No circle in the Gallery room in Nov or Dec, but stay tuned for other locations.

Official Website: http://www.delawarebellydance.org/drum.html

Added by Lorelei Dancer on May 7, 2010

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