276 E Main St, Ste 102
Newark, Delaware 19711

The Newark Arts Alliance is sponsoring a free informal drum circle usually the fourth Friday of every month. for the last 2 circles of the year, we sometimes move Fridays or locations.

7:00 - 8:30 pm, at the NAA
276... E. Main St, Newark DE

This event will be moderated by Lorelei. The focus will be primarily on African and Mideast rhythms, but all drumming is welcome. Participants are asked to bring a drum or other percussion instrument, and melody instruments (such as flute, clarinet, etc.) are also invited.

There can also be dancing, if space permits. Children should be accompanied by parents. No advance registration is needed.

Donations or the NAA will be solicited but not required. Info: Lorelei.dancer@gmail.com


Added by Lorelei Dancer on December 27, 2010

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