This years 2009
S.P.O.R.T. Golf Tournament is
proud to help support the Dan Marino Foundation by donating a portion of the
funds to this well distinguished charity.
1992, Dan Marino and his wife established the Dan Marino foundation in hopes of
supporting medical research, treatment, and programs for the many children who
live with special needs and chronic illnesses. So far, to date, this foundation
has been incredibly successful in meeting their goals of providing for the various programs and
services. Programs currently benefitting from the help and support of the Dan
Marino Foundation are Marino Autism Research Institute (MARI), Miami Childrens
Hospital Dan Marino Center, www.Childnett.tv, University of Miami/Nova
Southeastern University Center for Autism and Related Disabilities (UM/NSU
CARD), Vanderbilt University Treatment and Research Institute for Autism
Spectrum Disorders (TRIAD), and the Marino Swim Central Adaptive Aquatics
goal is to help the Dan Marino Foundation continuously reach their goal of
being able to support those children and their families.
The Dan Marino Foundations mission is:to open doors toward independence for children, teens and young adults with special needs.Dan and Claire Marino established the Dan Marino Foundation in 1992 to support medical research, treatment, and outreach programs for children with chronic illnesses and developmental disabilities. The Foundation has raised over $22 million dollars to provide these programs and services that have benefited hundreds of thousands of children and their families.The following are major programs supported by the Foundation:Marino Autism Research Institute
http://www.danmarinofoundation.org/mari.html> (MARI)MARI is a one-of-a-kind, multi-site, virtual institute with the University of Miami and Vanderbilt University working together to accelerate the discovery of new strategies for understanding, treating, and preventing autism.Miami Children's Hospital Dan Marino Center
http://www.mch.com/clinical/neuroscience/dan_marino.htm>The Miami Childrens Hospital Dan Marino Center is an integrated neurodevelopmental center specializing in the diagnosis and treatment of children at risk for developmental and psychological problems.www.Childnett.tv
http://www.childnett.tv/>Childnett.tv is a first-of-its-kind, free web TV channel dedicated to autism and other neuro-developmental disorders.University of Miami/Nova Southeastern University Center for Autism and Related Disabilities (UM/NSU CARD)
http://www.umcard.org/>The CARD Centers, located throughout the State of Florida provide free services to individuals with autism and their families including individual direct family support, technical assistance, parent and professional training, and public education and awareness.In 2008 the Foundation operated Summer STEPS, a work program for 80 young adults with developmental disabilities, where they earned money and learned important life skills for living independently.The Foundation initiated a new website for adults with autism- AuTube.tv. (still under construction) ready in April 2009The Foundation hosted a scientific symposium Environment and Autism Etiology, at Vanderbilt University.And the capital expansion at the Dan Marino Center was completed with the opening of the new therapeutic gymnasium, treatment areas and aquatic center.A new Public Service Announcement has been produced and can be viewed at: www.nomyths.org
http://www.nomyths.org/>. This public service announcement offers a refreshingly positive and optimistic view about life with autism. And it was written and performed by people who should knowindividuals who are on the spectrum themselves.
Organized by S.P.O.R.T
in 2003, S.P.O.R.T. is the Graduate Sport Administration student organization
at the University of Miami. Our organization is committed to developing our
members through promoting professionalism in sport, and providing a vehicle for
the exchange of ideology and professional fellowship. S.P.O.R.T. members learn
through practical experiences, as well as annual lecture series.
year, the 3rd Annual UM S.P.O.R.T. Golf Classic brought out a multitude of
people from various business and sporting backgrounds. The group was very
successful in raising money for the Marlins Community Foundation.
year the program plans to be just as successful in raising funds and awareness
for the Dan Marino Foundation. The golf classic will offer a number of
networking opportunities, as well as events for the non-golfer. We plan to make
it a success and would be excited if you were to join us this year!
Ticket Info: - Individual Golfer, $65.00
- Foursome for Golf, $230.00
- Donations, Free
Official Website: http://umsport-upcoming.eventbrite.com