ATLANTA, GA -- 2008 marks our fourth annual event in Atlanta, and we’re excited this year to bring a new twist: Join us Sunday, February 24th for our Mobile Marriage Summit and Expo, and take an active stand for Equal Rights in Georgia! The day will be a rally for marriage rights, including presentations, petition-signing, and networking. Plus of course the day will unfold as another of our fabulous Expos, with music, samples and over 50 screened GLBT-friendly businesses ready to help with your ceremony, travel and family plans.
Meet Cindy and Marianne Puechl-Sproul, founders of, who will share vital insights about making a difference everyday in our community’s attainment of equal rights in marriage and adoption. -Effective steps you can take right now!
Getting engaged over Valentine’s Day?? You won’t want to miss our event - we’ll help to get you and your fiancee started with everything you’ll need for planning Your Perfect Celebration.
See you on the 24th!
Official Website:
Added by RainbowWeddingNetwork on November 2, 2007