4th Annual International Conferenceon "ENGAGING THE OTHER:" The Power of Compassion
~ Registration is Open ~
Important Information: REGISTRATION OPTIONS If you wish an alternative to on-line registering: A Hardcopy Registration form for land mailing or faxing is available on our website at:
http://www.cbiworld.org/Pages/Conferences_ETO_Fees.htm An Email Registration form is also available by request at:
TYPES of REGISTRATIONS:1) FULL Conference Registrations2) HALF Conference Registrations (i.e EITHER Thursday and Friday -OR- Saturday and Sunday)
How to Register On-Line:1) Select type of registration and any meals from list above. Confirm your selected items, then click "Order Now" and movie to the 2nd page to complete registration information (Note: A full, detailed summary of fees selected will also be provided by PayPal at the final stage of registration payment to print and retain).
2) Complete and confirm information requested on 2nd page of this form, then confirm and click "Continue" to move on to PayPal websitefor payment.
3) Process your payment through PayPal - by credit card or E-check withdrawl. At successful completion PayPal will provide you with a receipt of your payment and items. Please PRINT THIS RECEIPT for your records. * This will be your Fee Payment Receipt and Confirmation. Please bring this receipt page to conference check-in on-site as verification in the event it is needed.
Please submit a SEPARATE REGISTRATION for EACH PERSON. Also please include Email and phone information at registration in the event we need to contact you regarding your registration.
Note: For your convenience, if you should experience any difficulties in processing paymemnt through PayPal you can call their help line directly for assistance: 1-888-221-1161
See below for FEE RATES and PAYMENT INFORMATION__________________________________
Continuing Education Credits (CECs) are available.(Note: CECs are registered and paid for separately when you arrive on-site at the conference)._______________________________________________________
REGISTRATION FEES There are Separate fees below for 1. CONFERENCE Program and 2. MEALS
1) Conference Program Fees There are discounts for full time student status, and members of co-sponsoring and supporting organizations. All discounts are with proof of status at check-in on site. (See separate MEAL fees below):
EARLY Registration (discounted): until 9-25-09 1) $ 350 General 2) $ 320 Supporting Organization Member 3) $ 290 Co-Sponsor Organization Member 4) $ 175 Full Time Student
REGULAR Registration:Through 11-1-09 1) $ 375 General 2) $ 350 Supporting Organization Member 3) $ 320 Co-Sponsor Organization Member 4) $ 187 Full Time Student
LATERegistration: After 11-1-09 1) $ 375 General 2) $ 350 Supporting Organization Member 3) $ 320 Co-Sponsor Organization Member 4) $ 187 Full Time Student
* Note: HALF Conference Participation is also available at the rates below.Half Conference Registrations are for EITHER:Friday and Sunday -OR- Saturday and Sunday(Please indicate which days when registering)
HALF (1/2)Conference Fees (After 11-1-09 add $10) 1) $187 General 2) $175 Supporting Organization Member 3) $160 Co-Sponsor Organization Member 4) $ 93Full Time Student
2) Meals: * On-site Conference meals offer invaluable opportunities for networking, additional interactions with presenters, and community building. Some Evening Programming also conveniently occurs in the same ballroom immediately after dinner.A - Conference Community Lunches and Dinners: Two diet plans are offered: 1. Poultry and/or fish, and 2. VegetarianThere are 5 conference meals (prices include all taxes and service charges): 1) $ 22 Friday Lunch 2) $ 30 Friday Dinner 3) $ 22 Saturday Lunch 4) $ 30 Saturday Dinner 5) $ 22 Sunday Lunch B - * Breakfast is on your own: The San Mateo Marriott Hotel has an on-site restauraunt for breakfast options. There are also other meal options in the area. _______________________________________________________ Sponsoring Participants: The ETO Conference is principally funded through registrations. To assist in promoting inclusion, diversity, and accessibility, organizations and groups are encouraged to sponsor representatives and individuals to attend. Tax deductible contributions to the subsidy fund - through the International Humanistic Psychology Association, a 501(c)3 - assist students and low income peace activists from developing societies to participate. Cancellation Policy: Full refunds are given for cancellations received in writing by September 25, 2009, minus a $75 non-refundable administrative fee. After September 25, 2009 no refunds are possible. Assignments: You may also assign your registration to someone else at no charge (assignments must be made prior to the conference date in person by phone or in writing directly to Common Bond Institute). Common Bond Institute 12170 S. Pine Ayr Drive, Climax, Michigan 49034 USA Ph/Fax: 269-665-9393 E-mail:
SOlweean@aol.com Web site: www.cbiworld.org_______________________________________________________
HOTEL RESERVATIONS are made directly through the San Mateo Marriott Hotel. See details on special conference rates and services at www.cbiworld.org/Pages/Conferences_ETO_SiteTravel.htm Note on Deadline: Discounted hotel room rate of $115 - for single or double - is guaranteed until the cut-off date. After this date it is at the discretion of the hotel and on an as availabile only basis.) _________________________________________________
Conference Description:
An important, timely dialogue .....everyone needs to be part of.
4th ANNUAL INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON "ENGAGING THE OTHER:" The Power of Compassion An international, multi-cultural, multi-disciplinary conference examining concepts of "The OTHER" from a universal, cross-cultural perspective to promote wider public dialogue about images of Us and Them.
November 13-15, 2009San Francisco (San Mateo), California USASponsored by Common Bond Institute Co-sponsored by International Humanistic Psychology AssociationSupported by a growing international list of over 90 organizations and universities
Continuing Education Units AvailableREGISTRATION IS OPEN TOAllFull Details at: www.cbiworld.org/Pages/Conferences_ETO.htm
We Invite You To:an extraordinary conference to address the roots of fear based belief systems and stereotypes, prejudice, polarization, enemy images, and artificial barriers of misunderstanding and distrust that divide us. Join an international list of over 60 presenters and visionaries, and hundreds of concerned individuals, to engage in 3days of workshops, roundtables, and focused, facilitated dialogue bridging the divide and cultivating our capacity for reconciliation, appreciation of diversity, and peace.
An important, timely dialogue....everyone needs to be part of.
"The most enriching conference experience of my life."....Sen. John Vasconcellos
PURPOSE OF THE CONFERENCE IS TO: Raise the level, depth, and breadth of public dialogue and awareness on core issues. Explore dimensions and dynamics of "The OTHER" on both individual and group levels, and consider how enemy identity is formed, perpetuated, and manipulated, including fear-based belief systems, negative stereotypes, projection, prejudice, and scapegoating. Identify and compile fundamental questions, dilemmas, and implications for further deep inquiry and examination, and to recognize and challenge embedded negative belief systems that promote dehumanizing, adversarial perceptions of the "The Other." Tap our shared wisdom and compassion as a community - from the local to the global - in developing practical applications. Participants are encouraged to develop and share practical recommendations and strategies for applying results to the current state of local and world relationships to promote increased understanding, sensitivity, and compassion as a means of countering and neutralizing hostility, particularly inter-group hostility. Formulate findings to make available to all - through publications, recordings, media, local gatherings, etc. Promote Networking and CollaborationAn outstanding gathering of more than 60 Presenters with extensive experience in addressing concepts of The Other from diverse perspectives - including psychological, social, cultural, anthropological, historical, spiritual, philosophical, political, and ecological.Over3 Days Experience: Keynote Speakers Plenary Roundtables with leading speakers on theory, philosophy, and historical aspects. Concurrent Workshops, Roundtables, and dialogues Conference-wide Facilitated Dialogue Groups to engage concepts, invite diverse perspectives, and explore practical applications. Interactive All-conference Experiences Evolving Expressive Arts Interpretation of the conference Tibetan Buddhist Sand Mandala Ritual. Evening Performances, Social-Cultural events,Community activities Art and Media Exhibits Rich Networking and Action Planning Opportunities. Multi-cultural Intentional Community. Participants experience the conference program and community as a living learninglaboratory, to explore conference themes and create acommon ground of reference essential to engaging andintegrating formal learning. Audio and Video Recorded Proceedings On-site Bookstoreʠ On-site Professional Book Exhibit Exhibits and Displays (See: www.cbiworld.org/Pages/ETO-TableRental-2Type.pdf )
An important, timely dialogue .....everyone needs to be part of.
Organized by Common Bond InstituteCOMMON BOND INSTITUTE (CBI) is a US based NGO that grew out of the Association for Humanistic Psychology's Soviet-American (International) Professional Exchange. Since 1990 CBI organizes and sponsors numerous international, multi-disciplinary conferences, professional training programs for local capacity building in human services and civil society, and professional exchanges. It provides consulting, coordination, and networking support to assist newly emerging human service and civil society organizations in developing countries.
Cultivating the fundamental elements of a consciousness of peace and local capacity building are seen as natural, effective antidotes to small group radical extremism and large group despair, as well as to hardship and suffering in the human condition. To this end, enabling each society to effectively resolve and transform conflicts, satisfy core human needs within their communities, and construct effective, holistic mechanisms for self determination, self esteem, and fundamental human dignity and worth is the purpose of our work. CBI is grounded in the application of humanistic psychology's principles in it's commitment to capacity building at both the grass roots and social institutional level, and in providing the individual in society with practical skills and visions for transforming conflict in their day to day lives. It is highly collaborative and works to actively form strategic alliances and partnerships with organizations, groups, and individuals dedicated to nurturing relationships locally and globally in creating and promoting an authentic world culture of peace.
Ticket Info: - General - Early Registration rate, $358.75
- Supporting Organization Member - Early Registration rate, $328.00
- Co-Sponsor Organization member - Early Registration rate, $297.25
- Student - Early Registration rate, $179.38
- Friday Lunch, $22.99
- Friday Dinner, $30.99
- Saturday Lunch, $22.99
- Saturday Dinner, $30.99
- Sunday Lunch, $22.99
Official Website: http://eto09-upcoming.eventbrite.com