4th Annual FALL SCKRBS "Captive Bred Only" REPTILE SALE!
“Still Alive and Well…because of YOU.”
Saturday, SEPTEMBER 29th, 2012
"Always the last Saturday of September."
2012 South Central Kentucky Reptile Breeders Show
“At the foothills of Mammoth Cave National Park”
Cave City Convention Center
502 Mammoth Cave Street
Cave City, KY 42127
Doors Open @ 10:00 AM / Close @ 04:00 PM
Adults $3.00 / Kids under 6 FREE
The SCKRBS is a "BREEDERS" show, and all vendors can and should promote "themselves", their "animals", and even where they will be next if they want. This is a chance to take real pride in your accomplishments and to "strut your stuff."
The SCKRBS accepts "BREEDERS" operating at a professional level, but we’re just as glad to have hobbyist breeders. The bottom line is..."This is a show for and about Captive Born and Bred Reptiles by the PEOPLE that make it happen."
We also need people to educate the public on general animal husbandry, species specific requirements, breeding, etc.
Please contact us ASAP if YOU would like to participate.
We will always make room for anyone that believes...
"Captive Born and Bred is the RIGHT CHOICE."
"Captive Bred Only" breeders interested in participating please contact us at:
Experience the difference.
Please share.
Added by serpentmutations on September 21, 2012