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Implementing the New Industry Online Behavioral Advertising Program

Like it or not, consumer privacy has become the latest hot button issue with policymakers in Washington and with vocal advocacy groups across the country. Most recently, the Federal Trade Commission issued a report exploring the need for new Do-Not-Track rules.
4A’s and other advertising and media groups have moved quickly to meet these growing threats to the marketing industry, implementing a far-reaching and effective new industry self-regulatory program. The new initiative, developed by the Digital Advertising Alliance, of which 4A’s is a founding member, provides transparent online choices to all consumers.

For background and details on the program itself, see

4A’s members will play a critical role in the success of this new initiative. What are the unique responsibilities for advertising agencies and their clients under the self-regulatory program?

Even more to the point, advertising agencies will serve as the conduit between clients and the online media system. What should you tell your clients? How can agencies help advertisers understand and implement the new self-regulatory program?

These webinars are designed to give you the practical information you need to make the program a success and support your client needs.


This webinar will answer all your and your client’s questions. Participants will learn


Talk with Your Clients about Online Privacy Pitfalls
Comply with the Industry’s New Self-Regulatory Program
Use the New Online Advertising Icon and Opt-Out Page
Prevent Government Control of Online Behavioral Advertising and Mandated Do-Not-Track Rules

Dick O’Brien, head of the 4A’s Washington Office, has been a leader on the industry team that designed the new self-regulatory program. He has worked closely with key policymakers in Congress, the White House and the Federal Trade Commission. Listen to Dick to learn why it is vital to support this new industry program.

John Montgomery, Chief Operating Officer, Group M Interaction North America, as one of the original advertising industry leaders to recognize the growing challenges to online behavioral advertising. John worked with the industry team that designed the advertising icon and formulated this workable and effective system for consumer education. John is chair of the new 4A’s Privacy Committee.

Josh Berman, Director of Trading Strategy, GroupM Interaction, will join John to share real world experience in implementing the self-regulatory program.

Lee Peeler, President of the National Advertising Review Council of the Council of Better Business Bureaus, has seen this issue from both sides as a key player at NARC and the Better Business Bureau and in his former role with the Federal Trade Commission. Lee will brief participants on expectations for compliance with the new program and the mechanisms for enforcement.


Free to 4A’s Members

$50 to non 4A’s Members

After registering you will receive a confirmation from the 4A's. As we get closer to the event, login information will be sent to you via email from 4As Webinar (


Program questions should be directed to Linda Dove |

Registration or logistic questions should be directed to Troy Starwalt |

Added by ayc on May 5, 2011

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