200 E Randolph St, #3800
Chicago, Illinois 60601

“Essentials of the Digital Marketing Ecosystem” is an introduction to the digital media advertising landscape and will discuss the different kind of marketing activities that take place online, the technology and business processes that enable them and will touch upon the major players involved.

Designed for those new to the industry or with a background in traditional media sectors, participants will gain a solid grounding in the basics of online marketing and advertising, as well as a new perspective on the digital media landscape. The session will conclude with a discussion of important topics to gain additional knowledge and how you can learn more about them.

Program Highlights:

Internet business models
The players and their roles
Key enabling technologies
Behavioral targeting
Online advertising inventory and currency
Internet math: a primer on metrics
Digital marketing strategies
Executing the digital campaign
Content development and syndication.
Seminar leader Steve Bookbinder has more than a decade of experience selling online media, search engine marketing and related advertising products. He has also managed, trained and coached media sellers for large and start-up media companies throughout the US and Canada for more than 15 years.

Who Should Attend
Those new to the industry or with a background in traditional media.

8:30 AM Registration and Continental Breakfast (included in registration fee)
9:00 AM Workshop begins
12:00 PM Lunch (included in registration fee)
4:30 PM Workshop adjourns (approximately)

Pricing: $295 - 4A’s Member $395 - Non 4A’s Member

Logistics: Contact Cecilia Graham at 212-850-0756 or cecilia@aaaa.org
Programming: Contact Bob Linden at 212-850-0750 or bobl@aaaa.org

Official Website: https://www.aaaa.org/pages/events.aspx?webcode=EventInfo&RegPath=EventRegFees&REg_evt_key=64ac98bb-5f4e-4db1-8a74-a2b6dbf9f9f0

Added by ayc on May 5, 2011

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