6001 Destination Way
Orlando, Florida 32819

How to Persuade Clients to Say “Yes!” to New Ideas and Initiatives

In today’s rough-and-tumble marketing environment, agencies can’t afford to leave any money on the table. Account leaders have to be able to recognize opportunity. If we’re not constantly refreshing our accounts with new ideas and leading them to begin new initiatives, client relationships can go stale; even healthy relationships will fail to realize all of their income potential.

Agencies are forging ahead into new services to offer clients, but too often we don’t successfully integrate those new offerings into our existing client work.

To fully serve clients—and capture all the revenue potential—account leaders need to "up sell" as part of their everyday client relationships. They’ve got to be constantly thinking about new ideas to take to clients.

But clients frequently reject new ideas, saying “Too expensive.” “Too new.” “Too complicated.” “Too unfamiliar.” “Too untested.” Account teams must develop a selling strategy that gets past objections and prepares clients to say, “Yes! Let’s do it.”

Account leaders have got to be comfortable with developing and selling new ideas. This workshop will show them how to grow their accounts by using consultative selling techniques. They’ll get to practice some of these skills, and each person will return to the agency with a strategy for moving ahead on a specific new idea for a client.

Who Should Attend
Anyone who is client-facing can benefit from this workshop, from young account managers to account supervisors and directors, as well as people from public relations, digital, media, direct, promotions and other agency disciplines. It can also be useful for leaders of creative teams who have a good bit of client exposure. Everyone in the agency who might be in the position to introduce a new idea to clients will gain from this experience.

Goals for the Day
At the end of the workshop, participants will have:

Assessed the "up-selling" opportunities for a specific client
Developed ideas for what to present
Developed an initial strategy for bringing the ideas forward
Learned how to present new ideas for the most positive outcome
Considered how to organize a presentation for their client
Planned action steps to bring back to the agency for team discussion.
8:30 AM Registration and Continental Breakfast (included in registration fee)
9:00 AM Seminar Begins
12-1 PM Lunch (included in registration fee)
4:30 PM Seminar Concludes (approximately)

Pricing: $250, 4A's members; $350, Non 4A's members

Download More Information and Program Agenda

Logistics: Contact Cecilia Graham at 212-850-0756 or cecilia@aaaa.org
Programming: Contact Bob Linden at 212-850-0750 or bobl@aaaa.org

Official Website: https://www.aaaa.org/pages/events.aspx?webcode=EventInfo&RegPath=EventRegFees&REg_evt_key=276e464d-de49-4c7e-8251-4d94ed0548eb

Added by ayc on May 5, 2011

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