The Interservice Club is comprised of members of the various service
clubs in the Phoenixville area. Each year a banquet is held to
increase brotherhood among the members and to present the Ambassador
Award. The award is to honor an individual for outstanding
contributions to the community, state or nation and to his/her
respective service club. This award goes to a local resident who has
shown a commitment to community service in the area of politics,
education, business, community organizations, sports, medicine,
research or cultural initiatives. The club, banquet and award event was
begun in 1964 by the late Joseph Rudick, the former editor of The Daily
Republican newspaper, now known as The Phoenix. For more information
regarding the Interservice Club and the Dinner please feel free to
check out the website,
The Club would like to reach out to members of the community in which
we have participated and/or partnered with for community events and
invite you to attend the Banquet.
Official Website:
Added by Phoenixville Fun on September 1, 2010