377 Santana Row, #1180
San Jose, California 95128

Personable Business Intros & Info(...a productive, comfortable and informative networking experience
Intros-the structured networking provides you opportunity to:

* meet amazing people up to mazing things in the world
* tell us about you, your business & what's important to you--uninterrupted
* make meaningful connections that lead to prospects, resources, support
and referrals

Info-learn to elevate your professionalism, improve communication within a partnership approach:
This month's speaker is Eliot Kahn talking about Mastering the First Appointment.
Have you ever been a customer at a first appointment and wondered...

* What exactly is being sold to me?
* Do they understand my business needs?
* I'm uncomfortable, how do I best end this meeting?

To make sure you have products, engaging and delightful first appointments, you will learn:

* Pre-appointment preparation
* Being in tune with your audience
* Gaining agreement on process, content and next steps

Come hear these strategies and share yours too!
About Eliot Kahn
Eliot Kahn has more than twenty years of sales experience with companies including Rubbermaid & Corporate Express, a manufacturer, multi-line rep group and a wholesaler and distributor. As a business consultant for start-up and entrepreneurs, Kahn advises on ways to expand their business. Kahn holds a Masters of Social Work and Bachelors in Psychology and is the Winner of the American Red Cross National Achievement Awards for: Excellence in Communication & Excellence in Innovation. Kahn is a Co-founder of CHEER FOR LIFE Foundation, Inc., San Francisco.
(We look forward to connecting with you.
Kristy Rogers( ~ 408-288-8484

Official Website: http://kristyrogersconnects.com

Added by FullCalendar on March 25, 2012

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