Founded in 1975 by Gema Sandoval, Danza Floricanto/USA is the oldest existing professional Mexican folk dance troupe in Los Angeles. As professional dancers, their purpose is to preserve Mexican culture, validate it as a cultural and artistic expression of the Latino people in the American Southwest and create awareness and appreciation for it through live performance. Danza Floricanto/USA presents the bold, colorful panorama of its Mexican heritage as it interacts with its American reality in their piece "Fandango Without Borders." Music and dance come together to explore the essence of the culture, traditions and influence of the fandango, a blend of dance, music and celbration. Through traditional Mexican instruments (the rquinto, jarana, tarima, quijada and leona), the history and culture of the region of Veracruz, Mexico is expressed.
single tickets: $30; subscribers: $27; ages 5-17: $20