50 West San Fernando
San Jose, California 95113

Personable Business Intros & Info(...a productive, comfortable and informative networking experience

Intros-the structured networking provides you opportunity to:

* meet amazing people up to amazing things in the world
* tell us about you, your business & what's important to you- uninterrupted
* make meaningful connections that lead to prospects, resources, support and referrals

Info-learn to elevate your professionalism, improve communication within a partnership approach:

This month's speaker is Jrgen Weller talking about Becoming More of a People Person in Business.

Have you ever noticed how some people just seem to get more sales easily? They usually aren't the smartest, best-dressed nor the most experienced yet they somehow seem to attract business to themselves. Luckily early on in my sales career I figured it out...they are people people. I'll share how I've incorporated more people skills into my natural highly focused, make it happen, results oriented style. The secret seems to be balancing being a people person and a results person.

About Jrgen Weller
Jrgen Weller is the Vice President & Managing Officer of Intero Real Estate Services. Weller has over 29 years experience as a Real Estate Agent and Broker and a college degree in Real Estate. His personal interests include P90X Extreme workout, using NET time (No Extra Time) to listen to business and self-improvement audio books, golf, snow skiing and being Dad!

We look forward to connecting with you.

Kristy Rogers( 408-288-8484

Official Website: http://kristyrogersconnects.com

Added by FullCalendar on March 14, 2012

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