Massachusetts Advocates for Children (MAC) is turning 40 this year, and to commemorate four decades of child advocacy while we also look to the future, we are hosting an anniversary kick-off celebration to begin our year of events! Our event co-chairs are Hubie Jones, MAC Founder, and J. Keith Motley, UMass Boston Chancellor.We begin the yearbyhosting a breakfast forum:
Hubie Jones willspeak on the importance of child advocacy from MACs historical perspective. Current MAC funders will speak about why they invest in advocacy for children in education, and they will be joined by a parent who will explain how MAC's advocacy has impacted life for her and her child.
Moderated Panel Discussion: The Importance of Investing in Advocacy for Children
Klare Shaw, Barr Foundation;
Ken Farber, Nancy Lurie Marks Foundation;
Yvonne Atkins, Parent panelist.
Moderated by Jerry Mogul, Executive Director, MAC
This event is free and open to the public. Due to space limitations, registration is required. You can register online by clicking here.
Additional information can beobtained by visiting MAC's website at www.massadvocates.org
(One sponsorship ensures your company will be recognized at ALL MAC events during the year!)
A celebratoryDinner on November 13th, 2009 honoring Marian Wright Edelman, nationally-renowned founder and president of the Childrens Defense Fund; Martha Minow, Professor at Harvard Law School and preeminent scholar on human rights, including the rights of children and persons with disabilities, and other individuals yet to be confirmed;
An educational conference in March 2010 entitled"Meeting the Challenge of Education Reform for All," to identify the policies and practices that will benefit the most disadvantaged children in the Commonwealth.
For more information, visit our website at www.massadvocates.org or call 617-357-8431 x 242
Organized by Massachusetts Advocates for ChildrenThe mission of MAC is to be an independent and effective voice for children who face significant barriers to equal educational and life opportunities. MAC works to overcome these barriers by changing conditions for many children, while also helping one child at a time
Ticket Info: Guest, Free
Official Website: http://massadvocates-upcoming.eventbrite.com