3rd Annual TAHIT Symposium on Language Access
April 17 & 18, 2009
Holiday Inn - Austin Town Lake
Austin Texas
With soaring health care costs, understaffed hospitals, and an increasingly diverse immigrant population facing the Texas healthcare industry, the Texas Association of Healthcare Interpreters and Translators has invited leading organizations and individuals from across the nation to explore ways to decrease costs and increase access while serving patient populations in languages other than English.
Healthcare providers and hospital administratorswill learn how to address the needs of increasingly diverse patient populations while controlling costs, achieving compliance, and improving access.
Interpreters, translators, and bilingual individuals will learn about the unique needs of the healthcare provider, the healthcare language professional and the environment in which they work.Join us on April 17 & 18 in Austin Texas for this important event.
To view additional details such as the agenda and area hospital tour, click here.
To download the "Call For Presentation Proposals," click here.
To download the "Exhibitor and Sponsor Prospectus," click here.
Book your room at the Holiday Inn Austin Town Lake today! Take advantage of the low discounted rate of $109/night (plus tax)for single or double occupancy. Click here to make your reservation. Discounted rooms are limited.
Organized by The Texas Association of Healthcare Interpreters and TranslatorsThe Texas Association of Healthcare Interpreters and Translators was formed to address the inconsistency in qualifications for professional interpreters in the state of Texas. TAHIT is working to achieve standard qualifications for the healthcare interpreter to ensure accurate transmission of vital medical information and provision of excellent healthcare to all, regardless of their ability to speak English.
Ticket Info: - Early Bird Registration (March 15 - April 1), $125.00
- Individual TAHIT Membership, $35.00
- Registration (April 1 - April 15), $150.00
- Organizational TAHIT Membership, $100.00
- Exhibitor Table, $500.00
- Full Page Advertisement in Program (7.5" x 10"), $250.00
- Half Page Advertisement in Program (7.5" x 4.75"), $125.00
- Quarter Page Advertisement in Program (3.5" x 2.5"), $75.00
- Business Card Size Advertisement in Program (3.5" x 1.75"), $50.00
- Platinum Sponsor, $10,000.00
- Gold Sponsor, $2,500.00
- Silver Sponsor, $1,000.00
Official Website: http://tahit3-upcoming.eventbrite.com