Lummi Island
Lummi, Washington 98262

Festival features live music, trips out to the reefnet gears, information about reefnetting and how it works, plenty of reefnet salmon to eat, and a beer garden. Email, or call 360-758-7616, or 758-2194, for more information. This year we have boat rides to the reefnet gears on the charter boat Paraclete. Guides will be on board to explain what you are seeing as you meander around the fishing gears. Admission is $2 at the festival, and boat rides are $5 for 16 and under, $7.50 for adults. Live music will feature Keith Carpenter and the WoodStone band, Scott and Eliel, Taryn Cross, and Vic Early and his Early Rockers. Leave your car on the mainland side, and ride the vans around the island to the festival site. Very little on site parking is available, though there is ample parking within walking distance of the site.

Official Website:

Added by slozito on April 11, 2008

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