6801 Hollywood Blvd
Los Angeles, California 90028

Did you know the Los Angeles is the #7 most haunted city in the US? Murders, Suicides, Burned Alive- All of these tortured souls still haunt Hollywood Boulevard. Discover these ghosts as you participate in the Haunted Hollywood Scavenger Hunt. Team up to uncover the haunting secrets of Hollywood. The Hollywood Hunt stars the ghosts of the Roosevelt, the Knickerbocker Hotel, many of the theaters and other secret locations revealed during the hunt. No prior ghost hunting knowledge is required to solve the challenging clues, but a flashlight is helpful. This will sellout!

Prizes to the winning team
Form teams of up to 6 people

Additional Haunted Hollywood Scavenger Hunts will be held on October 24, 25, and 30

For more information and reservations call 323-799-1374 or email info@outoftheboxevents.net

For information on future hunts, visit http://www.outoftheboxevents.net and click on "Public Hunts"

Official Website: http://www.outoftheboxevents.net

Added by outoftheboxevents on September 8, 2009