The Boys2Men Planning Committee is comprised of members from varying community based agencies, businesses and organizations that recognize the need for ongoing intervention programs to improve the quality of life for male teens in Duval County.
> Our Goals?
> Why the specific focus on male teens?
African American males face social, environment and economic factors that
lead to systemic conditions that negatively affect their quality of life. Homicide,
arrest and incarceration rates, poverty, violence, drug abuse, disparate annual
income levels, lack of culturally appropriate educational systems and biases in
healthcare delivery systems all work to create a system that is extremely
difficult for this population to navigate.
The goal of the Boys2Men program is to address these barriers by providing
tools and assistance to persons and programs that work directly with male teens,
to aide them in more effectively serve this population.
Join the movement and visit us online at or
In partnership with 100 Black Men and Source Magazine
Official Website:
Added by cityblack on May 16, 2008
This event is gonna be tits!! See you there!