Party ticket sales end March 6th at 5pm.
Panel only tickets will be on sale on-site for $50.
A limited number of luncheon ($50) & gala tickets($60) will be on sale on-site.
The complete package will be on sale for $150 on-site.
http://www.hbsaasu.com/Conference/ for more info.
Two registration options are available for the conference:
1) The "Complete Package"option includes all events - Townhall Discussion, Friday Night Party, all Saturday panels, Service Luncheon, Closing Gala and Sunday Brunch.
2) The "Panels Only" optionincludes admission to Townhall Discussion and all Saturday panels. If Panel Only attendees would like to attend the Official Conference Party on Friday evening, a party ticket can be purchased for $15. Party tickets will be $20 at the door.
A Note from the Co-Chairs
Welcome to the37thAnnual H. Naylor Fitzhugh Conference! We are excited to continue this outstanding tradition onMarch 6thto 8th, 2009at the Four Seasons Hotel in Boston.
This years conference will engage our audience in a provocative discussion on the theme ofBreakthrough Leadership. In this year of historical firsts in the presidential election and perhaps the most challenging economic times our generation has seen, we believe breakthrough leadership is vital to the future of our community. Through conference events, we hope to inspire future leaders and provide examples of how to successfully achieve impact in business, organizations, and communities.
http://www.hbsaasu.com/Conference/for more information.
HBS AASU Service: HBCU College Trip
As part of an ongoing partnership with theCitizen Schools 8th Grade Academy in Boston, MA, the African American Student Union(AASU) at Harvard Business School (HBS) is in search of funding to sponsor at least ten 8thgrade students to attend a Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCU) trip toWashington D.C. This is an important part of connecting these students to college and helpingthem build the resiliency needed to graduate from high school. We hope you will help supportus in providing this pressing and important intervention in these students lives.
$850 will cover the trip for one student including travel, lodging, and food expenses. Donations in any amount are greatly appreciated. Donors will be recognized in the conference program.
Organized by HBS African American Student Union
Ticket Info: - Friday Night Kickoff Party - The Breakthrough with The JI Group, DSTination and First Fridays United Boston Chapter, $15.99
- Friday Night Package - Reception, Townhall and Party, $35.99
- HBCU College Trip Contribution, Free
Official Website: http://aasuconference2009-upcoming.eventbrite.com