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The NAFEO 35th National Conference on Blacks in Higher Education will mark NAFEOs 40th anniversary, the 41st anniversary of the assassination of Morehouse alumnus, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., and the beginning of a new era with a new Administration, a new Congress, new executives in governors' mansions across the country, new state legislators, a new business/philanthropic/ non-profit paradigm, and a new global financial archetype. NAFEO sees this convergence of events as a tremendous opportunity to expand upon its annual National Conference on Blacks in Higher Education to convene a wider range of stakeholders to reach consensus on a National Agenda on Blacks in Higher Education, a blueprint for helping black students achieve equity and excellence in higher education in the 21st century, and to position the HBCU and PBI communities to lead the nation in realizing The Lumina Foundations goal of having 60% of Americans hold a 2- or 4-year college degree by 2025.
In addition to engaging sessions and town hall meetings, the convening will provide an opportunity to celebrate the past, present, and future of Americas black colleges. These events include:
40th Anniversary Gala (including the presentation of NAFEO NOBLE Prizes for distinguished faculty and Mays-Johnson Award for an exemplary black college president);
NAFEO Distinguished Alumni Awards celebration;
Black College Expo and Career Fair;
Campus or community activity designed to engage the collective black college community in commemorating the life and work of Dr. King.
Who Should Attend: This convening will be a unique opportunity for stakeholders across the higher education spectrum and in the health, labor, workforce, business and entrepreneurship spectra to play a direct role in shaping the direction of higher education policy for black students and for Americas black colleges. NAFEO believes that the following groups must be well represented at the conference in order to reach consensus on and to subsequently adopt a realistic, quantifiable National Agenda on Blacks in Higher Education:
The entire black college community presidents, chancellors, administrators (i.e. Title III directors, provosts, deans, financial aid personnel, admissions and academic affairs professionals, procurement officers, human resources directors, student service professionals and others), faculty, students, parents and alumni
Legislators (federal and state) and key legislative staffers
Health professionals
Educators and education policy professionals (PK-12 pipeline)
Business, philanthropic, government, advocacy, civic, fraternal and faith leaders
Desired Outcomes: The outcome from this convening will be a public policy and community actions agenda with concrete, quantifiable action steps to reducing childhood poverty, providing more students a Healthy Start and Head Start; closing the education achievement and attainment gaps, salary and wealth gaps, and civic participation rates, and moving the African American community toward realizing the 60% degree attainment rate by 2025. This will lead to a healthier, more educated, more economically secure "Black Community;" more diversity in domestic and global labor forces, stronger neighborhoods in the HBCU service areas and a more robust economy.
NAFEOs 35th National Conference on Blacks in Higher EducationNational Dialogue on Blacks in Higher Education: Setting the Agenda for the Next Eight Years
2009 Conference Agenda*Subject to change please check back often.
Wednesday, April 1, 2009 | Thursday, April 2, 2009 | Friday, April 3, 2009 | Saturday, April 4, 2009
Wednesday, April 1, 2009Days Theme: Strengthening the Foundation
Event:Registration- 9:00 AM 6:00 PM
Location:Hotel Registration Area
Event:Concurrent Workshops- 11:00 AM 2:00 PM
Location: Hotel
(a) Title III Administrators,Title IV Administrators and Institutional Advancement Administrators - Paying for College; Strengthening and Sustaining HBCUs and PBIs The Community Link Foundation.
(b) Institutional Researchers- AIR and Southern University Workshop
(c) CIO/IT Officers High Performance Computing Training Oakridge Laboratorie- Session Organizer: Will Minter and Oakridge Laboratory
(d) Business & Finance Officers: Future Perfect-Uses of Comprehensive, Integrated, Customized, Financial Modeling Tools (Part I);An Economy of Scale Cost Savings During These Difficult Times NAFEO Collaborative Purchasing Program (Part II).- Session Organizer: Sidney Evans, V.P. for Finance & Advancement, Howard University
(e) HBCU & PBI Managers Taking it to the Next Level- Session Organizer: Ken Eke, Senior Vice President for Programs & Research, ACE & Director, Spectrum Initiative
(f) NASULGCs HBCU Tech Project- Session Organizer: R Robert Samors, Associate V.P. for Research & Science Policy and Director, Information Technology Policy
(g) Cyber advocacy training- Session Organizer: NAFEO
(h) Organizing a potent voice for PBIs- Session Organizers: Algenia Freeman, President, Martin University and others
Event:REQUESTED: Georgia State Legislative Hearing Investing in HBCUs: Comparability; Compatibility; and Sustainability.- 3:00 AM 5:00 PM
Location:State Capitol
Event:Welcome Reception- 5:30 PM 7:00 PM
Sponsored Event Co-Conveners, Underwriters & Sponsors Introduced
Wednesday, April 1, 2009 | Thursday, April 2, 2009 | Friday, April 3, 2009 | Saturday, April 4, 2009
Thursday, April 2, 2009Days Theme: Laying the Foundation for Student Success
Event:Registration - 8:00 AM 5:00 PM
Location:Hotel Registration Area
Event:Continental Breakfast- 8:30 AM 9:00 AM
Location: Hotel
Event:Opening Town Hall Meeting/Plenary Session: Ending the Cradle to Prison Pipeline, Establishing a Cradle to College Pathway - 10:00 AM 12:00 PM
Location:Spelman College
Welcome and Call to Conference: Ernest McNealey, Chairman, NAFEO BOD; Conference Overview, Goals, Process, Desired Outcomes Lezli Baskerville, President & CEO, NAFEO The National Education Policy: An Economic Imperative stablishing a Cradle to College Pipeline Orator: Marian Wright Edelman, Founder & President, Childrens Defense Fund Respondents
Event:Luncheon Discussion: Ending the Cradle to Prison Pipeline; Establishing a Cradle to College Pathway- 1:30 PM 2:30 PM
A Facilitated Dialogue
Event:Establishing a Consensus Early Start, Head Start, Healthy Start Agenda- 3:00 PM 5:00 PM
Facilitated Round table Discussion Among Heads of Associations, Policymakers, Researchers, Advocates to Reach Consensus on Recommendations for Early Start, Head Start, Healthy Start Agenda
Event:Establishing a Consensus Teacher Preparation Agenda - 3:00 PM 5:00 PM
Facilitated Round table Discussion Among Heads of Teacher, Teacher Preparation, Teacher Representation and Teacher Certification Associations, Policymakers, Policy Shapers, Researchers, Administrators, Faculty, Educators, Advocates and other Stakeholders to Reach Consensus on Recommendations for Teacher Preparation Agenda Recommendations
Event:Establishing a Consensus Agenda on Standards & Accountability - 3:00 PM 5:00 PM
Facilitated Round table Discussion Among Stakeholders to Reach Consensus on Recommendations for Standards and Accountability Agenda
Event:Establishing a Consensus College Affordability & HBCU Sustainability Agenda - 3:00 PM 5:00 PM
Facilitated Round table Discussion Among Stakeholders to Reach Consensus on Recommendations for Affordability and Sustainability Agenda
Event:Establishing a Consensus Agenda for Saving Our Sons - 3:00 PM 5:00 PM
Facilitated Round table Discussion Among Stakeholders to Reach Consensus on Recommendations for Recapturing Lost and Fallen Black Males & Supporting Successful Sons
Event:Establishing a Consensus Agenda for Strengthening the Sisters- 3:00 PM 5:00 PM
Facilitated Round table Discussion Among Stakeholders to Reach Consensus on Recommendations for Preparing, Inspiring & Connecting Girls and Young Women to Rigorous Courses in STEM and other Growth and High Needs Disciplines
Event:NAFEOs 40th Anniversary Gala Reception"1969 2009: Changing Times, Constant Force: NAFEO, the Voice for Blacks in Higher Education"(Ticketed Event)- 6:00 PM 7:30 PM
Event:NAFEOs 40th Anniversary Gala"1969 2009: Changing Times, Constant Force: NAFEO, the Voice for Blacks in Higher Education"(Ticketed Event) - 8:00 PM 11:00 PM
Featuring 2009 NOBLE Prize Laureates & Mays Johnson Honoree, Live Entertainment, Food and FestivitiesNOBLE Prize Laureates will be awarded to faculty members of historically and predominantly black colleges and universities nominated by their institutions, who are distinguished as teachers or researchers in at least one of ten (10) high- need or growth disciplines: the sciences; technology; engineering; mathematics; health professions; law; economics; foreign languages or foreign affairs; teacher education; or peace, justice, equity or ecumenism. NAFEO NOBLE Prize winners will receive a gold medal, a diploma, and a monetary award.Mays Johnson Honoree The Mays-Johnson Award is bestowed annually to a currently serving president or chancellor of a financial NAFEO institution who exemplifies the best of historically and predominately black college presidents. The Mays-Johnson Award recipient must possess the scholarship, self-determination, discipline, passion, professionalism, activism, fortitude, rectitude, creativity, collegiality, and faith personified by the nations great HBCU college presidents. The winners will receive a gold medal, diploma, and a monetary award.
Wednesday, April 1, 2009 | Thursday, April 2, 2009 | Friday, April 3, 2009 | Saturday, April 4, 2009
Friday, April 3, 2009 Days Theme: The Best ROI: Investment in HBCUs and PBIs
Event:Registration - 8:00 AM 12:00 PM
Location:Hotel Registration Area
Event:Americas Black Colleges Central to a Robust, Global Economy - 8:00 AM 9:00 AM
Continental Breakfast With Orator
Event:Shaping a Consensus Agenda on HBCUs as Economic Engines for their Communities and Beyond- 9:00 AM 11:00 AM
A Round table Discussion with HBCU Presidents/Chancellors, Foreign Ministers of Education & Ambassadors
Event:Ford Business Classic Competition- 10:00 AM 2:00 PM
Location:CAU Campus
TV One to film Student Business Competition
Event:Brown Bag Lunch - 12:00 PM 2:00 PM
Event:REQUESTED: Congressional Field Hearing: HBCUs and TWIs- Comparability; Competitiveness; and Sustainability - 12:00 PM 2:00 PM
Event:Part 1: 40 Years of Philanthropy & The Academy Part 2: The Future of HBCUs- 3:00 PM 5:00 PM
A Two Part Town Hall Meeting with Featured Orators
Event:Inaugural Ball Honoring Carlton E. Brown and Mrs. T. LaVerne Ricks- Brown as the Third President & First Lady of Clark Atlanta University
Non-Conference Event. Conferees Are Encouraged to Attend.
Wednesday, April 1, 2009 | Thursday, April 2, 2009 | Friday, April 3, 2009 | Saturday, April 4, 2009
Saturday, April 4, 2009 Days Theme: The Best ROI: Investment in HBCUs and PBIs
Event:Closing Plenary Session: Voting on the National Agenda on Blacks in Higher Education - 10:00 AM 12:00 PM
Facilitated Session. In this session, delegates to the National Dialogue will reach consensus on The National Agenda on Blacks in Higher Education: a limited number of public policies and program activities on which a broad and diverse group of stakeholders will work collaboratively over the next 8-years.
Event:Distinguished Alumni Luncheon(ticketed event) - 1:00 PM 3:00 PM
Celebrity Emcees and Orator Invited. Alumni of historically or predominately black colleges and universities, nominated by their alma maters, who have distinguished themselves in their professions, their communities, our nation, or the world for excellence and altruism are saluted during a gala honors ceremony luncheon.
Event:NAFEO Board of Directors MeetingTBD
Event:NAFEO Membership MeetingTBD
Location: TBD
Organized by NAFEONational Association for Equal Opportunity in Higher Education represents 118 historically black colleges and universities (HBCUs).
Ticket Info: - Presidents and Chancellors of Fully Financial Member Institutions Only*, $450.00
- Alumni Appreciation Special: Directors of Alumni Affairs/National Alumni Presidents Only*, $500.00
- Non-Financial Presidents and Chancellors/Faculty/Staff/Association Reps & Other Dialogue Delegates*, $500.00
- Student Registration
- Full Conference
- All Ticketed Meals and Functions
*Except Distinguished Alumni Lucheon, $75.00 - Non-Member Student Rate*, $153.75
- 40th Anniversary Celebration
- Additional Ticket
*1 ticket is included in conference registration package, $100.00 - 40th Anniversary Celebration Table Sponsor*, $1,500.00
- Distinguished Alumni Luncheon*, $75.00
- Distinguished Alumni Luncheon Table Sponsorship*, $1,500.00
- Distinguished Alumni Luncheon Table for Fully Financial Member Institutions Only*, $650.00
- Workshop Only Daily Rate*, $170.00
Official Website: http://www.eventbrite.com/event/234228584/upcoming