Features original designs & work from hundreds of artists & craftsmen from across the nation. Something for every style, taste & budget. Thousands of choices from traditional to contemporary, functional to whimsical and decorative to fun & funky. Visit with the actual artisans as you discover what goes into the creation of these one-of-a-kind treasures only found at the Craftsmen's Classics. All indoors. Admission good all 3 days with free return pass from the show desk. Advance Discount Tickets available online at CraftShow.com 2 weeks prior to opening of show or tickets may be purchased at the door. Discount coupons in newspaper ads and online. Fri. 10-8, Sat. 10-6, Sun. 11-5
Official Website: http://www.gilmoreshows.com/craftsmens_classics_greensboro_spring.shtml
Added by Jan Donovan Gilmore Shows on February 8, 2013