Little Cottonwood Canyon Road, Cliff Lodge Entry #4
Snowbird, Central Singapore 84092

"Celebrating 30 Years of Hope & Promise"
For 30 years a multi-agency collaboration involving professionals working in all areas of human service has presented this nationally recognized conference. The mission of these agencies and professionals is to provide the multitude of services our at-risk population so desperately need if they are to develop successful life, pro-social and educational skills.
NO ONSITE REGISTRATION- Important Scholarship update below.
WHEN:Dates this year are Thursday, May 7th and Friday, May 8th. Pre-conference intensive training sessions presented by NOJOS will be Wednesday, May 6th. The conference will run Thursday 9:00am to 5:00pm and Friday 9:00am to 3:30pm. Check-in starts at 8:00am on Thursday.

WHERE:Snowbird Cliff Lodge in Little Cottonwood Canyon, Salt Lake City, is the conference site. We have again chosen Snowbird for the beautiful location and opportunity to be away from the hustle and bustle of the city. Once in the canyon and at Snowbird you then exit at Entry 4 to get to the Cliff Lodge. Snowbird is approximately 7 miles from the mouth of Little Cottonwood Canyon.
COST:Registration fee is $115.00 for two days and $70.00 for one day. The fee covers all sessions, continental breakfasts, lunches and social Thursday night. Parking is free unless you choose to use valet parking.
If you require special lunches, please email that request to after you have registered.

LODGING:Several options for lodging are available if you choose to stay at Snowbird. Please call Snowbird Central Reservations at 1-800-453-3000 (or from Salt Lake 521-6040) to check your options and to make your reservation.The conference staff will not be able to make any reservations for you.You will need to provide a credit card guarantee for at least one nights cost. Reserve early as space is limited.

How to Register:
- To pay online by credit card, click the "Check out with PayPal" button
- To pay by check or purchase order, select the "Show other payment options" and click the "Pay Offline" button. Then follow the directions for your payment option.
For Scholarship submissions please email the following information to with "Scholarship" in the subject line.

Applications must be submitted by March 27th and scholarship recipients will be notified by April 4th of application status.
A limited number of scholarships are available for those wishing to attend the 30th Annual Conference.
Do not apply for a scholarship if your agency will be paying for registration.
Please do not submit a regular conference registration form if you are submitting a scholarship application.
Scholarship includes Troubled Youth Conference registration, lunches and social - not lodging.

It is important that you include your phone or email address for notification. All information below is required in order for your submission to be reviewed.



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Email Address:

Applying for:

[ ] both days

[ ] Thurs only

[ ] Fri only

Have you received a scholarship in previous years? ________
If you have, it doesnt mean that you will not be eligible this year, but others will receive priority.

How do you intend to implement the knowledge gained from this conference in your present position?

Ticket Info:  
  • Registration, $115.00
  • One Day Registration (Thursday only), $70.00
  • One Day Registration (Friday only), $70.00

Official Website:

Added by eventbrite-events on March 18, 2009

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