2525 Michigan Avenue, T5
Santa Monica, California 90404

PARTICLES of SOLITUDE,new work by Nathan Spoor and Joey Remmers (gallery1)
INDRA’S WOODEN GARDEN,work by Amy Sol (gallery 2)
FANTASTISKA AINAVA, work by Kris Lewis (gallery 3)

June 17, 2006 through July 8, 2006
Opening reception:
Saturday June 17, 2006 from 8:00pm to 11:30pm

Copro Nason Gallery
2525 Michigan Avenue, T-5
Santa Monica CA 90404


in gallery one:

Particles of Solitude' is the new body of work from artist Joey Remmers and Nathan Spoor. It illustrates the curiosity and human feelings of hope, despair, loneliness and of course, solitude. Employing a bright, yet ominous mixture of surrealism and symbolism it leaves the viewer to contemplate its meaning. Images of corpses, weapons of mass destruction, umbrellas and serene landscapes narrate a dark, disturbing yet beautiful story.
Nathan Spoor spends most of the hours of the day painting in his Los Angeles studio. No image or canvas is too precious to wipe, repaint, and even burn on his journey to discovery and expression. In this way, Spoor makes a personal and transformative connection with each piece that for him lives on beyond the finished works.

Joey Remmers was born in Orange county in the late 70’s but
soon moved to the the wild forests of Crestline, California. He now resides
back in Orange County working as a tattoo artist for “Outer Limits” and painting on canvas with whatever hours are left in the day.


in gallery two:
Amy Sol – Indra’s Wooded Garden – solo art exhibit

CoproNason Gallery presents Amy Sol’s first art solo exhibit in Los Angeles as well as the first L.A. live performance of her musical band “Devanagari”. Her Art work represents the “whole of manifestation”, reflected. Each painting is a light amidst the ether's infinite expanse. "I spend a lot of time daydreaming. Growing up in the desert of Las Vegas forced my imagination into overdrive. I always had things to occupy me in my own secret imaginary world. My paintings, I suppose, allow me to go back into my childhood fantasies."
Within the paintings' subdued colors are nurturing females, exotic animals, and dreamlike landscapes populated by ethereal plant-life. The residents of her paintings are found in peaceful reflection as her creations beckon the busy onlooker a moments pause to absorb the tranquil storybook settings.


in gallery three:
Kris Lewis lives and works in New Jersey. He studied Illustration at the University of the Arts in Philadelphia, where he excelled in figurative painting. His major influences include Bougereau, the Pre- Raphaelites, Mucha, early Italian Renaissance painters, and the folklore of his Latvian heritage. Lewis’s most recent works are of a surrealist quality, replete with historical and biblical references and psychological undertones. “As I begin a painting the subject physically, emotionally and spiritually reveals itself to me. Each brushstroke speaks to the subsequent stroke, carrying out a dialogue, linking my subject and me as if we were meeting for the first time. I find this uncertainty exciting and embrace the indecisive nature of my work.”


Press inquiries please contact Julie at A Little Birdy Told Me

Official Website: http://copronason.com

Added by catnla on June 17, 2006

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